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Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(3): 274-280, sept. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514384


El desplazamiento de un tercer molar a un espacio anatómico adyacente, ya sea en su totalidad o un fragmento de este, se encuentra descrito como una complicación rara pero posible de las exodoncias de terceros molares. En este reporte se aborda específicamente el desplazamiento accidental de un tercer molar inferior hacia el espacio submandibular izquierdo, el cual fue resuelto quirúrgicamente mediante un abordaje intraoral bajo anestesia general por el equipo de cirugía maxilofacial del Hospital de Urgencia Asistencia Pública, Santiago, Chile. Se realizó una revisión de literatura en la plataforma PubMed con las palabras claves "third molar - submandibular - displacement" obteniendo un total de 17 artículos en los cuales se reportan 15 casos. El propósito del presente escrito fue presentar recomendaciones sobre el manejo actual de esta complicación en base a la literatura disponible.

The displacement of a third molar into an adjacent anatomical space, either in its entirety or a fragment of it, has been described as a rare but posible complication of third molar extractions. This report will specifically address the accidental displacement of a lower third molar into the left submandibular space, which was surgically removed through an intraoral approach under general anesthesia, by the maxillofacial surgeon team of "Hospital de Urgencia Asistencia Pública", Santiago, Chile. An literature review was carried out on PubMed platform with the keywords ""third molar - submandibular - displacement"", obtaining a total of 17 articles where are reported 15 cases. The purpose of this paper is to present recommendations on the current management of this complication based on the available literature.

Humans , Male , Adult , Tooth Migration , Intraoperative Complications , Molar, Third/surgery , Submandibular Gland/surgery
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536540


(analítico) El desplazamiento forzado en Colombia ha sido una realidad compleja que ha generado la vulneración sistemática de los derechos de niños, niñas y adolescentes. Este estudio, enmarcado en el paradigma cualitativo, analizó el currículo vivenciado a partir de las narrativas construidas con 14 estudiantes desplazadas por el conflicto armado, pertenecientes a una institución educativa de Medellín (Colombia). Los métodos de recolección empleados fueron entrevistas semi-estructuradas, diarios personales y fotografías. Se presentan las inter-secciones que se establecen con la escuela, entendida como escenario de y para la construcción de paz, concluyendo en la pertinencia de las propuestas educativas flexibles. Este análisis, hilado desde una perspectiva de género, visibiliza otros modos de existir en la escuela, contribuyendo a la resignificación del currículo para la permanencia de las estudiantes que fueron desplazadas.

(analytical) Forced displacement in Colombia has been a complex reality that has led to the systematic violation of the rights of children and adolescents. This is a qualitative study that analyzed the curriculum in school in Medellin (Colombia) through the narratives constructed with 14 female students displaced by the armed conflict. Semi-structured interviews, personal diaries and photographs were used to gather data. The intersections established with the school as a scenario of and for peace building are presented and the relevance of flexible educational proposals is highlighted. This analysis, carried out using a gender perspective, highlights other modes of existence in the school and also contributes to the re-definition of the school curriculum as a determinant in the permanence of displaced students.

(analítico) A deslocação forçada na Colômbia tem sido uma realidade complexa que tem conduzido à violação sistemática dos direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes. Este estudo, estruturado no paradigma qualitativo, analisou o currículo vivido a partir das narrativas construídas com 14 estudantes desloca-das pelo conflito armado, pertencentes a uma instituição educacional em Medellín (Colômbia). Os métodos de coleta utilizados foram entrevistas semi-estruturadas, diários pessoais e fotografias. São expostas às interseções estabelecidas com a escola, entendidas como um cenário de e para a cons-trução da paz, concluindo sobre a relevância de propostas educacionais flexíveis. Esta análise, fiada a partir de uma perspectiva de gênero, torna visíveis outras formas de existir na escola, contribuindo para a re-significação do currículo para a permanência das alunas que foram deslocadas.

Rev. chil. cardiol ; 42(2)ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515092


La taquicardia ventricular polimórfica se origina en los ventrículos, cuyos complejos QRS son de morfología, amplitud y dirección variable, con frecuencias que oscilan entre 200 y 250 lpm, pudiendo ser autolimitadas o degenerar en una fibrilación ventricular. La TdP es un tipo de taquicardia ventricular polimórfica caracterizada por complejos con un eje eléctrico que gira alrededor de la línea isoeléctrica y que está asociada a QT largo. Se presenta el caso de una paciente portadora de marcapaso que presenta episodios de taquicardia ventricular polimórfica, con una morfología típica de TdP, sin documentación de QT prolongado previo ni actual, generada por la estimulación ventricular sobre onda T, de forma accidental por desplazamiento del electrodo auricular a Ventrículo Derecho (VD).

Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia is a tachycardia originating in the ventricles, where the QRS complexes have variable morphology, amplitude, and direction, with frequencies ranging between 200 and 250 bpm; it may be self-limited or degenerate into ventricular fibrillation. Torsades de Pointes (TdP) is a type of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia characterized by complexes with an electrical axis that rotates around the isoelectric line and that is associated with long QT interval. We present the case of a patient with a pacemaker who presents episodes of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, with a typical morphology of TdP, without documentation of previous or current prolonged QT, generated by ventricular stimulation on the T wave, accidentally due to displacement of the atrial electrode to the Right Ventricle (RV).

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 52(2)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536129


Introducción y objetivos: Colombia es uno de los países del mundo con mayor volumen de desplazamiento interno a causa de un conflicto armado interno. Esta población tiene mayores posibilidades de sufrir un trastorno de salud mental, sobre todo en territorios afectados históricamente por el conflicto. El objetivo es comparar la prevalencia de posibles trastornos de la salud mental entre las personas en condición de desplazamiento en Meta, departamento de Colombia históricamente afectado por el conflicto armado, frente a población desplazada en todo el país según la Encuesta Nacional de Salud Mental (ENSM) de 2015. Métodos: Análisis de datos recolectados en la ENSM 2015, estudio a escala nacional, y la encuesta Conflicto, Salud y Paz (CONPAS) de 2014, estudio representativo del grado de afectación por el conflicto en el municipio, realizado en el departamento del Meta. Para medir un posible trastorno de la salud mental, se utiliza el Self Report Questionnaire-25 (SRQ-25). La condición de desplazamiento fue declarada por los encuestados en ambos estudios. Se hizo un análisis descriptivo sobre el posible trastorno de la salud mental en la población desplazada de la ENSM 2015 y la CONPAS 2014. Resultados: Se encuestó a 1.089 adultos en la CONPAS 2014 y 10.870 adultos en la ENSM 2015. El 42,9% (468) y el 8,7% (943) de las personas reportaron estar en condición de desplazamiento en la CONPAS 2014 y la ENSM 2015 respectivamente. En ambos estudios, la población desplazada tiene mayores posibilidades de sufrir cualquier trastorno de la salud mental que la población no desplazada. En la CONPAS 2014, el 21,8% (intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC95%], 18,1-25,8) de esta población tenía un posible trastorno de la salud mental (SRQ+) frente al 14,0% (IC95%, 11,8-16,3) en la ENSM 2015. Los encuestados en condición de desplazamiento de la CONPAS 2014 tuvieron mayor probabilidad que los de la ENSM 2015 en depresión -el 12,4% (IC95%, 9,5-15,7) frente al 5,7% (IC95%, 4,3-7,4)-, ansiedad -el 21,4% (IC95%, 17,7-25,3) frente al 16,5% (IC95%, 14,2-19,1)-y trastornos psicosomáticos -el 52,4% (IC95%, 47,5-56,7) frente al 42,2% (IC95%, 39,0-45,4)-. Los desplazados de la ENSM 2015 tenían mayor probabilidad de ideación suicida, el 11,9% (IC95%, 9,3-14,1) frente al 7,3% (IC95%, 5,0-10,0) en la CONPAS 2014, y trastorno bipolar, el 56,5% (IC95%, 53,2-59,7) frente al 39,3% (IC95%, 34,8-43,9). Conclusiones: La mayor probabilidad de trastornos de la salud mental (SRQ+) de la población regional en condición de desplazamiento frente a toda la población nacional en esa condición puede representar una mayor necesidad de servicios de atención en salud mental en los territorios afectados por el conflicto. Así pues, y dada la necesidad de facilitar el acceso y la atención médica en salud mental a poblaciones especialmente afectadas por el conflicto armado, es importante el diseño de políticas de atención en salud que faciliten la recuperación de poblaciones afectadas por la guerra y, simultáneamente, reducir inequidades y promover el cumplimiento de uno de los objetivos en salud más importantes y, a la vez, usualmente menos priorizados en el desarrollo internacional: la salud mental. © 2021 Asociación Colombiana de Psiquiatría. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. Todos los derechos reservados.

Background and objectives: Colombia is one of the countries with the highest levels of internal displacement resulting from armed conflict. This population has greater chances of experiencing a mental health disorder, especially in territories historically affected by armed conflict. Our objective was to compare the levels of possible mental health disorder in people experiencing internal displacement in Meta, Colombia, a department historically affected by armed conflict, compared to the internally displaced population in the National Mental Health Survey of 2015. Methods: Analysis of data collected in the National Mental Health Survey (ENSM) of 2015, study with representative data at national level and the Conflict, Peace and Health survey (CONPAS) of 2014, representative study of the degree of impact of the conflict on the municipality, conducted in the department of Meta, Colombia. To measure possible mental health disorder, the Self-Report Questionnaire - 25 (SRQ-25) was used. Internal displacement is self-reported by people surveyed in both studies. An exploratory analysis is used to measure possible mental health disorders in the displaced population in the ENSM 2015 and CONPAS 2014. Results: 1,089 adults were surveyed in CONPAS 2014 and 10,870 adults were surveyed in the ENSM 2015. 42.9% (468) and 8.7% (943) of people reported being internally displaced in CONPAS 2014 and ENSM 2015, respectively. In both studies, internally displaced populations have greater chances of experiencing any mental health disorder compared to non-displaced populations. For CONPAS 2014, 21.8% (95%CI, 18.1-25.8) of this population had a possible mental health disorder (SRQ+) compared to 14.0% (95%CI, 11.8-16.3) in the ENSM 2015. Compared with the ENSM 2015, at the regional level (CONPAS 2014), displaced people had a greater chance of presenting depression by 12.4% (95%CI, 9.5-15.7) compared to 5.7% (95%CI, 4.3-7.4) in the ENSM 2015, anxiety in 21.4% (95%CI, 17.7-25.3) compared to 16.5% (95%CI, 14.2-19.1) in the ENSM 2015, and psychosomatic disorders in 52.4% (95%CI, 47.5-56.7) in CONPAS 2014 compared to 42.2% (95%CI, 39.0-45.4) in the ENSM 2015. At the national level (ENSM 2015), displaced people had greater possibilities of presenting, compared to the regional level, suicidal ideation in 11.9% (95%CI, 9.3-14.1) compared to 7.3% (95%CI, 5.0-10.0) in CONPAS 2014 and bipolar disorder in 56.5% (95%CI, 53.2-59.7) compared to 39.3% (95%CI, 34.8-43.9) in CONPAS 2014. Conclusions: The greater possibilities of displaced populations at the regional level of experiencing a mental health disorder, compared to this same population at the national level, may represent and indicate greater needs in mental health care services in territories affected by conflict. Therefore, and given the need to facilitate access to health services in mental health for populations especially affected by armed conflict, there is a need to design health care policies that facilitate the recovery of populations affected by war and, simultaneously, that reduce inequities and promote the fulfilment of one of the most important and, at the same time, least prioritised health objectives in international development: mental health.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218818


Manju Kapur primarily writes about the plight and repression of Indian women as well as their resistance to it. Marriage, families, complexities in relationships and separation are some of the most pervasive themes in her fiction. Manju Kapur's The Immigrant is a story of dislocation and cultural conflict. The novel revolves around a thirty-one-year-old spinster, Nina, who lived with her widowed mother in Delhi. She marries Ananda, an NRI, dentist and she flies to Canada to start her new life. The paper discusses how the novelist brings up the life of a married woman, with only her husband to talk to, all alone in a foreign land where Indian culture and individualism have often remained alien ideas. This paper delves into the issues of alienation and the search for cultural identity, as well as transformation of Nina and Ananda as a result of becoming an immigrant.

Indian Pediatr ; 2023 Feb; 60(2): 113-118
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225384


Background: The prevalence of childhood obesity is increasing in low-middle income countries like India. Built environment features such as walkability can influence weight-related outcomes but data from developing countries are scanty. Objective: To develop population level walkability index in urban Bengaluru, and examine its association with indices of childhood obesity in school children. Study Design: Nested cross-sectional study based on a cohort. Participants: Normal healthy children aged 6 to 15 years from urban schools in Bengaluru. The children were stratified into different land use classification such as residential, commercial and open space based on residential address. Methods: Anthropometric data, body composition data, measured using air displacement plethysmography. Outcomes: Walkability index derived using residential density, street connectivity and land-use mix environment variables. Results: The mean (SD) of age, body mass index (BMI), BMI zscore and percentage body fat (% Body fat) of 292 (50% boys) children were 10.8 (2.9) year, 17.4 (3.3) kg/m2, -0.27 (1.35) and 20.9% (8.8), respectively. The mean (SD) walkability index was 16.5, which was negatively associated with BMI (slope -0.25 and -0.08) and percentage body fat (slope -0.47 and -0.21) for age 5 and 10 years, respectively in children, but the effects decreased with increasing age. Conclusions: The findings of this pilot study suggest that the neighborhood walkability may be associated with the obesity indices in younger children. Future longitudinal studies are needed to understand how built environment affects health and body composition of children in India and other low-middle income countries.

International Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine ; (6): 1095-1099, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-989761


Objective:To evaluate the clinical efficacy of lumbar spine warming needle moxibustion of Jiaji and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) fumigation combined with conventional western medicine therapy on patients with acute inflammatory period of lumbar disc herniation (LDH).Methods:Randomized controlled trial. A total of 140 patients with acute inflammation of LDH in our hospital from December 2019 to December 2021 were selected as observational objects, and the patients meeting the inclusion criteria were divided into 2 groups with 70 patients in each group by random number table method. The control group was treated with conventional western medicine therapy, and the observational group was treated with warming needle moxibustion of Jiaji combined with TCM fumigation on the basis of control group treatment. Both groups received continuous treatment for 1 month. TCM syndrome scores were performed before and after treatment, the degree of lumbar pain was assessed by VAS, the degree of lumbar dysfunction was assessed by Japanese Orthopaedic Association Evaluation Treatment (JOA score), and serum CRP, IL-6 and TNF-α levels were measured by ELISA.Results:The total effective rate was 95.71% (67/70) in the observation group and 82.86% (58/70) in the control group, and there was significant difference between the two groups ( χ2=6.05, P=0.014). After treatment, TCM syndrome score [(4.45±1.09) vs. (10.67±2.82), t=16.85], VAS score [(1.54±0.43) vs. (3.28±1.04), t=12.94] lower than those in the control group ( P<0.01), subjective feeling [(7.54±2.87) vs. (6.24±1.76), t=5.72], physical signs [(6.76±2.00) vs. (4.34±1.67), t=7.77], limited daily activities [(9.56±3.27) vs. (7.89±2.97), t=3.16], bladder function score [(2.88±0.84) vs. (2.63±0.64), t=2.89] and the total score [(25.04±7.44) vs. (20.35±6.87), t=4.63] were higher than those in the control group ( P<0.01). After treatment, serum IL-6 [(18.12±4.23) μg/L vs. (26.46±4.58) μg/L, t=11.19], CRP [(18.87±6.07) mg/L vs. (25.89±5.72) mg/L, t=7.04] and TNF-α levels [(24.42±5.37) ng/L vs. (29.45±5.44) ng/L, t=5.51] were lower than those in the control group ( P<0.01). Conclusion:The warming needle moxibustion of Jiaji and TCM fumigation combined with conventional western medicine therapy can improve the lumbar pain of LDH patients in acute inflammatory stage, reduce the level of inflammatory factors, improve clinical efficacy.

International Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine ; (6): 421-425, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-989652


Objective:To observe the clinical effect of modified Shishi Niubangzi Decoction combined with strengthening muscle-waist exercise on lumbar disc herniation (LDH).Methods:Randomized controlled trial. A total of 60 patients with LDH admitted to the Pinggu Hospital, Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, were enrolled as the research objects between September 2020 and September 2021. According to the random number table, they were randomly divided into the treatment group and control group, 30 in each group. Both groups were given routine basic treatments (strengthening tendons-waist exercise and three-position six-step manipulation). On this basis, the treatment group was treated with modified Shishi Niubangzi Decoction, while the control group was treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen codeine sustained-release tablets). Both groups were treated for 4 weeks. The responsive rates, back pain intensity, leg pain and numbness by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and lumbar function by Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), and Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) were compared between the two groups.Results:The response rate of treatment group was significantly higher than that of control group (93.3% vs. 73.3%; χ2=4.32, P=0.038). After treatment, scores of JOA (subjective symptoms, signs, activities of daily living) in the treatment group were significantly higher than those in the control group ( t=3.86, 2.71, 2.21, P<0.05). After treatment, scores of back pain (2.12±0.21 vs. 3.02±0.32, t=12.88), leg pain (2.04±0.64 vs. 2.64±0.66, t=3.58), lower limb numbness (1.75±0.24 vs. 2.41±0.70, t=4.89) in the treatment group were significantly lower than those in the control group ( P<0.01). At 1 week and 1 month after treatment, ODI scores in treatment group were significantly lower than those in control group ( t=10.22, 5.59; P<0.05). Conclusion:The modified Shishi Niubangzi Decoction combined with strengthening tendons-waist exercise can improve responsive rates, improve lumbar pain and function in LDH patients.

Journal of Medical Biomechanics ; (6): E084-E089, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987918


Objective To analyze the influence from material and size of the filling block on stress distributions of the tibial osteotomy model. Methods The filling blocks with three different materials (iliac bone, cancellous bone and polyetheretherketone (PEEK)) and five different sizes were established and implanted to the tibial osteotomy models, respectively. The mechanical loads were applied on the model, the stress distribution and edge displacement of the model were analyzed. Results For three kinds of materials, the stress at proximal end of the tibia and the plate, as well as edge displacement in the model implanted with filling block by iliac bone material were lower than those of the cancellous bone and PEEK, but the filling block by iliac bone material had the highest stress. When the filling blocks with different sizes were implanted in osteotomy space, the stress distribution on each part of the tibial osteotomy and edge displacement were different. Especially when the width of the filling block was reduced from 30 mm to 10 mm, the peak stress of the proximal tibia, steel plate and filling block was increased by 49. 3% , 92. 7% and 54. 4% on average. Conclusions Different filling block parameters will affect the stress distribution in different parts of the tibial osteotomy. The research results provide the theoretical basis for parameter selection of the tibial osteotomy filling block in clinic.

Organ Transplantation ; (6): 760-764, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987129


Ureteral stricture in renal allografts is one of the common postoperative complications in kidney transplant recipients. Due to short ureter in renal allografts, endovascular treatment should be adopted before reconstruction surgery to avoid irreversible injury. Alleviating renal allograft injury, easing obstruction or establishing drainage channel are the key measures to treat ureteral stricture. In endovascular treatment, balloon dilatation and internal incision yield high recurrence rate, and long-term indwelling of self-expanding metallic ureteral stents may be a better option. Compared with traditional stents, metallic stents may maintain urinary tract patency for a long time and mitigate the irritation of lower urinary tract symptoms,with different indications and efficacy. Although all metallic stents may be displaced and occluded, it still plays a positive role in the treatment of ureteral stricture in renal allografts. In this article, the application of self-expanding metallic ureteral stent in ureteral stricture of renal allografts was mainly illustrated, aiming to provide reference for optimizing the treatment of ureteral stricture in renal allografts.

Journal of Peking University(Health Sciences) ; (6): 537-542, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986886


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the influential factors associated with functional status of those patients who undertook a full-endoscopic lumbar discectomy operation.@*METHODS@#A prospective study was conducted. A total of 96 patients who undertook a full-endoscopic lumbar discectomy operation and met inclusive criteria were enrolled in the study. The postoperative follow-up was held 1 month, 3 months and 6 months after operation. The self-developed record file was used to collect the patient's information and medical history. Visual analogue scale (VAS) score, Oswestry disability index (ODI) score, Gene-ralised anxiety disorder-7 (GAD-7) scale score and patient health questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) scale score were applied to measure pain intensity, functional status, anxiety status and depression status. Repeated measurement analysis of variance was used to explore the ODI score 1 month, 3 months and 6 months after operation. Multiple linear regression was recruited to illuminate the influential factors associated with functional status after the operation. Logistic regression was employed to explore the independent risk factors related to return to work 6 months after operation.@*RESULTS@#The postoperative functional status of the patients improved gradually. The functional status of the patients 1 month, 3 months and 6 months after operation were highly positively correlated with the current average pain intensity. The factors influencing the postoperative functional status of the patients were different according to the recovery stage. One month and 3 months after operation, the factors influencing the postoperative functional status were the current average pain intensity; 6 months after operation, the factors influencing the postoperative functional status included the current average pain intensity, preoperative average pain intensity, gender and educational level. The risk factors influencing return to work 6 months after operation included women, young age, preoperative depression status and high average pain intensity 3 months after operation.@*CONCLUSION@#It is feasible to treat chronic low back pain with full-endoscopic lumbar discectomy operation. In the process of postoperative functional status recovery, medical staffs should not only take analgesic mea-sures to reduce the pain intensity experienced by the patients, but also pay attention to the impact of psychosocial factors on the recovery. Women, young age, preoperative depression status, and high average pain intensity 3 months after operation may delay return to work after the operation.

Humans , Female , Infant , Intervertebral Disc Displacement/etiology , Prospective Studies , Functional Status , Treatment Outcome , Diskectomy/adverse effects , Endoscopy , Pain , Lumbar Vertebrae/surgery , Retrospective Studies
China Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology ; (12): 55-60, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970819


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the effect of midazolam on pain in lumbar disc herniation model rats based on p38 MAPK signaling pathway.@*METHODS@#Fifty SPF-grade Sprague-Dawley healthy rats, half male and half female, were selected and randomly divided into normal group, model group, and low-dose, medium-dose, high-dose groups. Model group and low-dose, medium-dose, high-dose groups were initially modeled for lumbar disc herniation. Intraperitoneal injection of saline was performed in rats of normal and model groups; and in the low-dose, medium-dose, and high-dose groups, intraperitoneal injection of midazolam was performed with doses of 30, 60, and 90 mg/kg, respectively. Interleukin-1β (IL-1β), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), β-endorphin (β-EP), substance P (SP), neuropeptide Y (NPY) were detected in the serum of rats by enzyme-linked immunoassay. The expression of p38 MAPK and matrix metalloproteinase-3(MMP-3) protein were detected by Western blot in the tissues of rats of each group.@*RESULTS@#The levels of TNF-α, IL-1β and β-EP were higher and the level of 5-HT was lower in the model group than in the normal group(P<0.05);the levels of TNF-α, IL-1β and β-EP were lower and the level of 5-HT was higher in the low-dose, medium-dose and high-dose groups than in the model group(P<0.05). The levels of SP and NPY increased in the model group compared with the normal group (P<0.05) and the levels of SP and NPY decreased in the low-dose, medium-dose and high-dose groups compared with the model group (P<0.05). The expression of p38 MAPK and MMP-3 increased in the model group compared with the normal group (P<0.05); the expression of p38 MAPK and MMP-3 decreased in the low-dose, medium-dose and high-dose compared with the model group(P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Midazolam may ameliorate the immune inflammatory response in rats with a model of lumbar disc herniation, possibly regulated through the p38MAPK signaling pathway.

Rats , Male , Female , Animals , Intervertebral Disc Displacement/pathology , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Matrix Metalloproteinase 3/metabolism , Midazolam , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/metabolism , Serotonin/metabolism , MAP Kinase Signaling System/physiology , Pain , p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases/metabolism
China Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology ; (12): 25-28, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970814


OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the clinical efficacy of spinal endoscopy in the treatment of severe free lumbar disc herniation and explore the feasibility and application of microscopic drills to expand ventral space.@*METHODS@#Thirty patients with severe free lumbar intervertebral disc herniation treated by spinal endoscopic technique from April 2019 to March 2021 were collected, including 19 males and 11 females;aged from 19 to 76 years with an average of (44.03±16.92) years old. All patients had a single segmental lesion with prolapse of the nucleus pulposus. Among them, there were 3 cases on L2,3, 3 cases on L3,4, 15 cases on L4,5, and 9 cases on L5S1. During operation, posterior bone of vertebral body and pedicle notch were removed by a drill under the endoscope to enlarge the ventral space. And the free nucleus pulposus was exposed and completely removed. The intraoperative blood loss, operation time, hospital stay and postoperative neurological complications were recorded, and Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) score, Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and visual analogue scale (VAS) were compared before operation, 2 days, 3 months and 1 year after operation, and Macnab standard was used to evaluate clinical efficacy.@*RESULTS@#All operations were successful and the free nucleus pulposus was completely removed. Pain in the lower back and legs was significantly relieved on the day after operation. Two patients experienced transient pain and numbness in lower limbs after operation, and no serious nerve injury complications occurred. ODI and VAS at each time point after surgery were significantly lower than those before surgery (P<0.01), and JOA score was significantly higher than before surgery (P<0.01). The excellent and good rates of Macnab were 66.67% (20/30), 83.33% (25/30) and 90.00% (27/30) on 2 days, 3 months and 1 year after operation, respectively.@*CONCLUSION@#For severe free lumbar intervertebral disc herniation, using of a drill under endoscope to expand the ventral space can smoothly remove the free nucleus pulposus and avoid nerve damage.

Male , Female , Humans , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Intervertebral Disc Displacement/surgery , Feasibility Studies , Diskectomy, Percutaneous/methods , Lumbar Vertebrae/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Endoscopy/methods , Treatment Outcome , Pain/surgery
China Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology ; (12): 17-24, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970813


OBJECTIVE@#To observe clinical efficacy of percutaneous endoscopic transforaminal discectomy (PETD) and target radioffrequency thermal coblation nucleoplasty(CN) on inclusive lumbar disc herniation(LDH) in different age groups, and provide a basis for clinical formulation of precise and individualized treatments.@*METHODS@#A retrospective analysis of 219 patients with lumbar disc herniation treated with PETD and CN between January 2018 and June 2021 was performed, in which 107 patients were treated with PETD and 112 with CN. Patients were stratified by age into young group(≤45 years old), middle-aged group(>45 years old and <60 years old) and older group(≥60 years old). Before treatment, 3 days, 1 month and 6 months after treatment, visual analogue scale (VAS), Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) score, infrared thermal imaging temperature difference (△T) and lumbar range of motion (ROM) were evaluated and clinical efficacy were compared in the different age groups between two treatment methods.@*RESULTS@#①VAS and JOA score outcomes, in the same age group and the same treatment method, the VAS and JOA scores at different time points postoperatively were obviously improved (P<0.05). For the same age group and the different treatment methods, the older group had lower VAS and higher JOA scores after PETD than after CN (P<0.05), and there was no significant difference between the young group and middle-aged group (P>0.05). There was no significant difference in VAS and JOA scores at the same time between age groups by PETD treatment (P>0.05). The VAS was higher and the JOA score was lower in older group than in young group and middle-aged group at 1, 6 months after CN treatment(P<0.05). ②△T and ROM outcomes, in the same age group and same treatment method, postoperative △T and ROM at different time points were obviously improved(P<0.05). There was no significant difference in △T between two methods of PETD and CN at the same age(P>0.05), there was no significant difference in ROM between young group and middle-aged group(P>0.05), ROM was higher after PETD treatment than after CN treatment(P<0.05). There was no significant difference in △T and ROM at the same time between age groups by PETD treatment(P>0.05). There was no significant difference in △T between age groups by CN treatment, but the ROM was smaller in older group than in young group and middle-aged group after CN treatment(P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Both PETD and CN for inclusive LDH have good efficacy, the curative benefit for older patients receiving PETD within 6 months after surgery more than CN, and CN is more appropriate for young and middle-aged patients.

Middle Aged , Humans , Aged , Intervertebral Disc Displacement/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Lumbar Vertebrae/surgery , Diskectomy, Percutaneous/methods , Treatment Outcome , Endoscopy/methods , Diskectomy/methods
China Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology ; (12): 12-16, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970812


OBJECTIVE@#To compare the clinical efficacy between visual trephine arthroplasty assisted percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic discectomy (VPTED) and traditional percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic discectomy(PTED) in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation.@*METHODS@#The clinical data of 60 patients with lumbar disc herniation admitted from June 2019 to December, 2020 was retrospectively analyzed. There were 38 males and 22 females, aged from 26 to 58 years old with an average of (43.63±8.48) years, 47 cases were on L4,5 segment and 13 cases were on L5S1 segment. Among them, 32 were treated with VPTED (group A) and 28 were treated with traditional PTED (group B). The general conditions of all the patients were recorded, including intraoperative fluoroscopy times, operation time, hospital stay and surgical complications during follow-up. The arthroplasty area ratio was observed by sagittal CT at the middle level of the intervertebral foramen. Visual analogue scale (VAS) and Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) score of low back pain, Oswestry disability index (ODI) were used to evaluate the clinical efficacy between two groups.@*RESULTS@#All patients were followed up from 9 to 15 months with an average of (12.10±1.16) months. There was no statistical difference of preoperative general data between two groups. The operation time, fluoroscopy times and hospital stay were (70.47±5.87) min, (13.66±1.34) times and (6.31±0.69) d in group A, and (90.71±7.66) min, (22.82±2.48) times and (6.54±0.92) d in group B. The operation time and intraoperative fluoroscopy times in group A were lower than those in group B(P<0.05). There was no significant difference in hospital stay between two groups (P>0.05). No obvious surgical complications were found during the follow-up in both groups. The arthroplasty area ratio in group A was (29.72±2.84)% and (29.57±2.20)% in group B, respectively, with no significant difference (P>0.05). There was no significant difference in VAS, ODI and JOA score between two groups before operation and at the final follow-up(P>0.05), but the final follow-up was significantly improved(P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#The two surgical methods have definite clinical efficacy in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation. Visual trephine arthroplasty assisted percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic discectomy has the advantages of high efficiency and rapidity when establishing the channel, and can significantly reduce the operation time and intraoperative fluoroscopy times.

Male , Female , Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Intervertebral Disc Displacement/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Lumbar Vertebrae/surgery , Endoscopy/methods , Diskectomy, Percutaneous/methods , Diskectomy/methods , Treatment Outcome , Arthroplasty
Coluna/Columna ; 22(2): e270983, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439963


ABSTRACT Neuromuscular taping or kinesiotaping is a technique widely used in spinal disorders. However, the scientific evidence of its use in discopathies and degenerative spine pathology is unknown. This study aimed to analyze the published clinical trials on neuromuscular taping in subjects with discopathies and degenerative spinal injuries. For this purpose, a literature search was performed following PRISMA guidelines in the following databases: PubMed, Web of Science (WOS), Scopus, Medline, and Cinahl. In analyzing bias and methodological quality, we used: the PEDro scale, Van Tulder criteria, and risk of bias analysis of the Cochrane Collaboration. A total of 5 articles were included that obtained a mean score of 6.2 on the PEDro scale. There is moderate evidence that, in the short term, neuromuscular taping reduces analgesic consumption and improves the range of motion and muscle strength in the posterior musculature. In addition, there is limited evidence that it can improve quality, while the scientific evidence on the effect of neuromuscular taping on pain is contradictory. The application of neuromuscular taping on discopathies and degenerative processes of the spine should be cautiously undertaken until more conclusive results are obtained, and the long-term effects are assessed. Level of evidence I; Systematic review.

Resumo: A bandagem neuromuscular ou kinesiotaping é uma técnica de bandagem amplamente utilizada em distúrbios da coluna vertebral. Entretanto, a evidência científica para seu uso em discopatias e na patologia degenerativa da coluna são desconhecidas. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar ensaios clínicos publicados sobre bandagem neuromuscular em sujeitos com discopatias e lesões degenerativas da coluna vertebral. Para este fim, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica seguindo as diretrizes do PRISMA nas seguintes bases de dados: PubMed, Web of Science (WOS), Scopus, Medline e Cinahl. Na análise de viés e qualidade metodológica, foram utilizados: escala PEDro, critérios de Van Tulder e análise de risco de viés da Colaboração Cochrane. Um total de 5 artigos foi incluído com uma pontuação média de 6,2 na escala PEDro. Há evidências moderadas de que, a curto prazo, a bandagem neuromuscular reduz o consumo de analgésicos, melhora a amplitude de movimento e a força muscular na musculatura posterior. Além disso, há evidências limitadas de que pode melhorar a qualidade, enquanto as evidências científicas sobre o efeito da bandagem neuromuscular na dor são contraditórias. A aplicação da bandagem neuromuscular em discopatias e processos degenerativos da coluna vertebral deve ser feita com cautela até que resultados mais conclusivos sejam obtidos e os efeitos a longo prazo sejam avaliados. Nível de evidência I; Revisão sistemática.

Resumen: El vendaje neuromuscular o kinesiotaping es una técnica de vendaje que se utiliza ampliamente en trastornos raquídeos. Sin embargo, se desconoce la evidencia científica de uso en discopatías y patología degenerativa de la columna. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en analizar los ensayos clínicos publicados sobre el vendaje neuromuscular en sujetos con discopatías y lesiones degenerativas del raquis. Para ello, se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica siguiendo las directrices PRISMA en las siguientes bases de datos: PubMed, Web of Science (WOS), Scopus, Medline y Cinahl. En el análisis de sesgo y calidad metodológica se utilizaron: escala PEDro, criterios de Van Tulder y análisis del riesgo de sesgo de la Colaboración Cochrane. Se incluyeron un total de 5 artículos que obtuvieron una puntuación media de 6,2 en la escala PEDro. Existe evidencia moderada de que, a corto plazo, el vendaje neuromuscular reduce el consumo de analgésicos, mejora el rango de movimiento y fuerza muscular en la musculatura posterior. Además, existe evidencia limitada de que puede mejorar la calidad, mientras que la evidencia científica sobre el efecto del vendaje neuromuscular en el dolor es contradictoria. La aplicación de vendaje neuromuscular es discopatías y procesos degenerativos del raquis debe realizarse con cautela a la espera de que se obtengan resultados más concluyentes y se valoren los efectos a largo plazo. Nivel de evidencia I; Revisión sistemática.

Humans , Athletic Tape , Intervertebral Disc Degeneration , Spinal Diseases
Acta ortop. bras ; 31(5): e263326, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519943


ABSTRACT A previous study has reported the therapeutic effects of interlaminar/transforaminal approaches under full-endoscopic visualization to treat L5-S1 lumber disc herniation (LDH). However, the comparison of interlaminar/transforaminal approaches to treat other segments of LDH remains unclear. Objective: To evaluate the clinical efficacy of full-endoscopic interlaminar and transforaminal lumbar discectomy to treat LDH. Methods: A total of 93 patients with LDH who underwent fully-endoscopic lumbar interlaminar/transforaminal discectomy were retrospectively collected. Patients were divided into a Transforaminal group (n=41) and an Interlaminar group (n=52). Clinical efficacy was evaluated by visual analogue scale (VAS), the Oswestry disability index (ODI), and the modified MacNab scoring system. Results: Of the 93 patients, involving segments in LDH referred to L3-4, L4-5, and L5-S1. The fluoroscopy times in the Interlaminar group were smaller than that of the Transforaminal group. We found no obvious significances between the Transforaminal and Interlaminar groups regarding operation time, incision length, postoperative landing time, hospitalization, and incision healing time. Postoperative VAS and ODI scores notably improved at follow-up. Besides, almost 90% LDH patients achieved excellent/good outcomes. Conclusion: The full-endoscopic visualization technique via interlaminar and transforaminal approaches safely and effectively treat LDH. Level of Evidence III, Retrospective Study.

RESUMO Um estudo anterior relatou os efeitos terapêuticos das abordagens interlaminar/transforaminal sob visualização totalmente endoscópica para tratar a hérnia de disco lombar (HDL) L5-S1. No entanto, a comparação das abordagens interlaminar/transforaminal para o tratamento de outros segmentos de HDL permanece pouco clara. Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia clínica da discectomia lombar interlaminar e transforaminal totalmente endoscópica no tratamento da HDL. Métodos: Foram recolhidos retrospetivamente 93 pacientes com HDL submetidos a discectomia lombar interlaminar/transforaminal totalmente endoscópica. Os pacientes foram divididos em um grupo transforaminal (n=41) e um grupo interlaminar (n=52). A eficácia clínica foi avaliada através da escala visual analógica (EVA), do índice Oswestry de incapacidade (ODI) e do sistema de pontuação de MacNab modificado. Resultados: Dos 93 pacientes, os segmentos envolvidos na HDL referiam-se a L3-4, L4-5 e L5-S1. Os tempos de fluoroscopia no grupo Interlaminar foram menores do que no grupo Transforaminal. Não encontramos significâncias óbvias entre os grupos Transforaminal e Interlaminar em relação ao tempo de operação, comprimento da incisão, tempo de pós-operatório, hospitalização e tempo de cicatrização da incisão. As pontuações EVA e ODI pós-operatórias melhoraram notavelmente no acompanhamento. Além disso, quase 90% dos pacientes com HDL obtiveram resultados excelentes/bons. Conclusão: A técnica de visualização totalmente endoscópica através de abordagens interlaminar e transforaminal trata a HDL de forma segura e eficaz. Nível de Evidência III, Estudo Retrospectivo.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(10): 5722-5738, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512721


A luxação anterior do ombro é comumente observada em clínicas de acidentes e emergências e trauma e postos de saúde. Neste estudo, revisamos a literatura existente sobre a lesão e as tendências recentes no manejo. Descrevemos a anatomia clínica do ombro, o diagnóstico e as técnicas de redução. As decisões de manejo em relação a esta condição continuam a variar entre as unidades, especialmente para casos recorrentes e posteriores luxação. A luxação do ombro é uma lesão comum. Os atrasos no diagnóstico continuam a ser o maior obstáculo para uma otimização dos resultados neste grupo de pacientes. Uma proporção significativa necessitará de eventual cirurgia e até um terço destes pacientes irão desenvolver artrite no ombro a longo prazo. A técnica escolhida para a redução, dependerá do conhecimento do médico, que já deve estar familiarizado com a técnica adotada, pois a perfeição na realização da resolução do problema, trará conforto e alivio ao paciente, já que mesmo os pacientes que sofreram um único episódio de luxação podem continuar desenvolver sequelas a longo prazo.

Anterior shoulder dislocation is commonly seen in accident and emergency and trauma clinics and health clinics. In this study, we review existing literature on the injury and recent trends in management. We describe the clinical anatomy of the shoulder, diagnosis and reduction techniques. Management decisions regarding this condition continue to vary between units, especially for recurrent cases and subsequent dislocations. Shoulder dislocation is a common injury. Delays in diagnosis remain the biggest obstacle to optimizing outcomes in this group of patients. A significant proportion will require eventual surgery and up to one-third of these patients will develop long-term shoulder arthritis. The technique chosen for the reduction will depend on the physician's knowledge, who should already be familiar with the technique adopted, as perfection in solving the problem will bring comfort and relief to the patient, since even patients who have suffered a single episode of dislocation may continue to develop long- term sequelae.

La dislocación anterior del hombro se observa comúnmente en clínicas de accidentes, emergencias, traumatología y clínicas de salud. En este estudio, revisamos la literatura existente sobre la lesión y las tendencias recientes en su manejo. Describimos la anatomía clínica del hombro, diagnóstico y técnicas de reducción. Las decisiones de gestión con respecto a esta afección continúan variando entre unidades, especialmente para casos recurrentes y dislocaciones posteriores. La dislocación del hombro es una lesión común. Los retrasos en el diagnóstico siguen siendo el mayor obstáculo para optimizar los resultados en este grupo de pacientes. Una proporción significativa requerirá eventualmente cirugía y hasta un tercio de estos pacientes desarrollarán artritis del hombro a largo plazo. La técnica elegida para la reducción dependerá del conocimiento del médico, quien ya debe estar familiarizado con la técnica adoptada, ya que la perfección en la solución del problema traerá comodidad y alivio al paciente, ya que incluso los pacientes que han sufrido un solo episodio de luxación pueden seguir desarrollando secuelas a largo plazo.

Coluna/Columna ; 22(1): e260636, 2023. tab, graf, il. color
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430253


ABSTRACT Objective: Evaluate the clinical outcome of patients with lumbar disc herniation (HDL) operated by endoscopic interlaminar microdiscectomy. We evaluated epidemiology, time to return to work, and technique-related complications as secondary outcomes. Method: Prospective longitudinal study, where patients with HDL with surgical indications were evaluated. They underwent endoscopic discectomy exclusively using the interlaminar technique. Clinical results were evaluated using the Oswestry 2.0 questionnaire (ODI) and the visual analog scale (VAS). In this study, we inserted the Macnab postoperative satisfaction index. In parallel with these indices, we analyzed the results regarding epidemiology variables, time to return to work, and complications. Such questionnaires were applied preoperatively, postoperatively the day after surgery, and one year after. Results: In 132 patients selected for the study, we obtained significant clinical improvement in the ODI and VAS questionnaires, and 81.3% of the patients had excellent and good Macnab index. The hospital stay was 22.7 hours, and the return to work was 30 days. The rate of complications with the method was 12.8%, with recurrence of disc herniation being the most common complication with 9.8% of cases. Conclusion: The endoscopic technique proved effective in treating lumbar spinal disc herniation with significant clinical improvement in the analyzed period, low incidence of complications, early postoperative rehabilitation, and results close to or superior to the gold standard technique. Level of Evidence III; Prospective cohort study

Resumo: Objetivo: Avaliar o desfecho clínico dos pacientes com hérnia discal lombar (HDL) operados por microdiscectomia endoscópica interlaminar. Como desfechos secundários, avaliamos a epidemiologia, tempo de retorno ao trabalho e as complicações relacionadas a técnica. Método: Estudo longitudinal prospectivo, onde foram avaliados os pacientes portadores de HDL com indicação cirúrgica. Foram submetidos a discectomia endoscópica exclusivamente pela técnica interlaminar. Avaliou-se também os resultados clínicos por meio do questionário Oswestry 2.0 (ODI) e da escala visual analógica (EVA). Inserimos nesse estudo índice de satisfação pós-operatória de Macnab. Em paralelo a esses índices analisamos os resultados quanto as variáveis de epidemiologia, tempo de retorno ao trabalho e as complicações. Tais questionários foram aplicados no pré-operatório, no pós-operatório no dia seguinte a cirurgia e após 1 ano da cirurgia. Resultados: Em 132 pacientes selecionados para o estudo obtivemos significante melhora clínica nos questionários ODI e EVA, assim como 81,3% dos pacientes tiveram excelentes e bons no índice de Macnab. O tempo de internação hospitalar foi de 22,7 horas o retorno laboral de 30 dias. Já a taxa de complicações com o método foi de 12,8%, sendo a recidiva da hérnia discal a complicação mais comum com 9,8% dos casos. Conclusão: A técnica endoscópica se mostrou eficaz no tratamento da hérnia discal da coluna lombar com melhora clínica significante no período analisado, baixa incidência de complicações, precoce reabilitação pós-operatória e resultados próximos ou superiores à técnica padrão-ouro. Nível de Evidencia III; Estudo de coorte prospectivo.

Resumen: Objetivo: Evaluar el desenlace clínico de pacientes con hernia de disco lumbar (HDL) operados mediante microdiscectomía interlaminar endoscópica. Como resultados secundarios, evaluamos la epidemiología, el tiempo de regreso al trabajo y las complicaciones relacionadas con la técnica. Método: Estudio longitudinal prospectivo, donde se evaluaron pacientes con HDL con indicación quirúrgica. Se les realizó discectomía endoscópica interlaminar. Los resultados clínicos también se evaluaron mediante el cuestionario Oswestry 2.0 (ODI) y la escala analógica visual (VAS). En este estudio, insertamos el índice de satisfacción postoperatoria de Macnab. Analizamos los resultados cuanto a variables epidemiológicas, tiempo de reincorporación al trabajo y complicaciones. Dichos cuestionarios se aplicaron en el preoperatorio, en el postoperatorio al día siguiente de la cirugía y al año de la cirugía. Resultados: En 132 pacientes seleccionados para el estudio se obtuvo una mejoría clínica significativa en los cuestionarios ODI y EVA, así como el 81,3% de los pacientes tuvieron excelente y bueno en el índice de Macnab. La estancia hospitalaria fue de 22,7 horas y la reincorporación al trabajo de 30 días. Entre las complicaciones, la recurrencia de la hernia discal fue la más frecuente con el 9,8% de los casos. Conclusión: La técnica endoscópica demostró ser efectiva en el tratamiento de la hernia de disco espinal lumbar con mejoría clínica significativa en el período analizado, baja incidencia de complicaciones, rehabilitación posoperatoria y resultados cercanos a la técnica estándar de oro. Nivel de Evidencia III; Estudio de cohorte prospectivo.

Humans , Spine , Endoscopy
Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 40: e0232, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423242


Resumo Estima-se que no mundo, atualmente, haja 89,3 milhões de pessoas em deslocamentos forçados, incluindo 27,1 milhões de refugiados. Entre as razões para essas migrações forçadas estão a tortura e outras formas de violência, embora a prevalência de violências antes e durante a migração ainda seja pouco conhecida. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a prevalência e alguns fatores associados às violências relatadas por solicitantes de refúgio no Rio de Janeiro. Foram coletados dados preenchidos nos formulários de solicitação de refúgio do Comitê Nacional para Refugiados de 2010 a 2017 e em entrevistas adicionais conduzidas na Cáritas Arquiocesana-RJ. Foram incluídos 1.546 solicitantes de refúgio com idade mediana de 30 anos (faixa 15-72 anos), dos quais 65% eram homens. Um terço informou ter sofrido violência antes de chegar ao Brasil, com chances de violência relatada entre 20 e 40 vezes maiores entre migrantes oriundos de Paquistão, Congo, Colômbia, República Democrática do Congo e Guiné. Violência física/tortura, ameaça e violência psicológica foram as mais frequentes (relatadas por 10%, 7% e 6% da população estudada, respectivamente). Entre as mulheres, a violência sexual foi a modalidade mais frequente (9%). Conclui-se que a história de violência entre os solicitantes de refúgio no Brasil é frequente, em particular para alguns grupos nacionais, aspecto a ser considerado no acolhimento e na prestação de serviços a essa população em situação de extrema vulnerabilidade.

Abstract Currently, the world has 89.3 million forcibly displaced people, including 27.1 million refugees. Among the reasons for displacement are torture and other forms of violence, but the real prevalence of violence before and during migration is poorly reported. The aim of this study is to analyze the prevalence of reported violence among asylum seekers in Rio de Janeiro and its associated factors. We collected secondary data from individuals who filled out the National Committee for Refugees' asylum application forms from 2010 to 2017 and responded to the social interview at Cáritas-RJ. We included 1,546 asylum seekers with a mean age of 30 (range 15-72), 65% of whom were men. One third reported experiencing violence before arriving in Brazil. Chances of experiencing violence were 20 to 40 times higher among refugees arriving from Pakistan, Congo, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Guinea. Physical violence/torture and psychological threats were the most frequent forms (10%, 7% and 6% of the population, respectively). Among women, sexual violence was the most frequent form of violence (9% of women). We conclude that asylum seekers in Brazil frequently suffered violence before their arrival, particularly some groups. This needs to be addressed when providing services to this extremely vulnerable population.

Resumen Actualmente, hay en el mundo 89,3 millones de personas desplazadas por la fuerza, incluidos 27,1 millones de refugiados. Entre las razones de desplazamiento forzado están la tortura y otras formas de violencia, pero la prevalencia real de la violencia antes y durante la migración ha sido poco estudiada. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la prevalencia de violencia reportada entre los solicitantes de asilo en Río de Janeiro y los factores asociados a esta. Recolectamos datos secundarios de personas que completaron los formularios de solicitud de asilo del Comité Nacional para Refugiados desde 2010 hasta 2017 y de entrevistas adicionales en Cáritas RJ. Incluimos a 1546 solicitantes de asilo con una edad media de 30 (15-72) años, de los cuales 65 % eran hombres. Un tercio informó haber experimentado violencia antes de llegar a Brasil, con posibilidades de violencia de entre 20 a 40 veces mayores para entre migrantes oriundos de Pakistán, Congo, Colombia, República Democrática del Congo y Guinea. Violencia/tortura física, amenazas y violencia psicológica son las formas más frecuentes (10 %, 7 % y 6 % respectivamente) relatadas. Entre las mujeres, la más frecuente fue la violencia sexual (9 % de los relatos). Concluimos que la historia de violencia entre los solicitantes de asilo en Brasil es frecuente, sobre todo en algunos grupos nacionales en particular, aspecto que se debe considerar al prestarle servicios a esta población extremadamente vulnerada.

Humans , Refugees , Violence , Primary Health Care , Sex Offenses , Risk Groups , Vulnerable Populations , Human Migration